Bill Meredith (Guitar):
Bill Meredith grew up on a farm before television was invented, and
in the evenings his father often played a guitar and sang Gospel and
folk songs before bedtime. Bill learned to play chords and pick out
melodies by ear on his father's guitar at the age of 6 or 7. After
teaching biology at the Mount for five years, he found he had saved
enough money to buy a Goya classical guitar in 1962, and taught
himself to read music in a rudimentary fashion; in the mid-'80's,
he studied classical guitar under Mark Cudek, then a teacher at
the Mount and later director of the Baltimore Consort. A few months
before the Mount Jazz band was formed, Bill's wife bought an electric
guitar at a yard sale, and he used it when he joined the band. When it
appeared to be more than a passing fancy, he got a better instrument,
which he now plays in the rhythm section.
Bill plays an Epiphone "Joe Pas" model hollow-body electric
guitar. He also owns a Dauphin Model C classical guitar, and still has
his father's old instrument (presently broken into two pieces, which he
hopes to reassemble some day).
Aspiring guitarists should learn proper technique early, learn
to count by playing with others, and marry into wealth.