Byron Stay (Trumpet, Flugelhorn):

Byron Stay began playing trumpet in the third grade and never looked back. In college he played on scholarship for three years as a member of the Seattle Pacific Trumpet Trio. The trio culminated their three years together by flying to Hollywood to perform on "Your All American College Show," hosted by Dennis James. After college he played for two years as a member of the 77th Army Band in Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.

Since then he has performed with a number of jazz bands and small musical groups. With his wife, Claire Marie Moblard, he now performs several classical recitals a year. Claire's many instruments include the pipe organ, piano, concert harp, flute, and carillon. She also sits in with Fire City Jazz on flute and on keyboards. In addition to organ/trumpet and piano/trumpet performances, the two also frequently appear in the Frederick area performing on harp and flugelhorn.

When he's not jamming with the band, Byron teaches writing, public speaking and American Literature in the Rhetoric and Communications Department at Mount St. Mary's University.

Gear Byron plays an Alpha 110 trumpet hand-made by the Swiss craftsman Thomas Inderbinen. Byron says that it's by far the best trumpet he's ever played. His flugelhorn is a Kanstul Signature. For specialty numbers and for recitals he also plays a Schilke P-4 piccolo trumpet. All of his mouthpieces are handmade by New York craftsman Jerome Callet.

Advice Byron's advice to young trumpet players is, in addition to focused practicing, to learn the art of listening and letting go. Learn to trust yourself and your abilities. If you've been practicing hard, the rest should take care of itself.




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Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 Aug 2002 1:4: 366am